
When Customers Say Nice Things!

We're not ones to brag, but we've seen a lot of success around here.

People Talking about KickoffLabs
Jared Flamm

So you could probably have a pretty good looking giveaway landing page with incentive mechanisms done in, I don't know, half an hour with KickoffLabs. To me, that's kind of a no brainer.

sweepstakes, giveaway, leaderboard, leaderboard-giveaways, nft, simple

David Gobaud

We had over 16,000 people sign-up to our KickoffLabs waitlist.


Mike Madrid

Our launch got us 35,000 leads in 2 weeks with a 56.9% conversion rate! To add, 86.6% of leads were coming from KickoffLabs social referral mechanism. That means for every $1 spent we got roughly $1.86 worth of return out of that!

milestone rewards, reward-levels

Rossa Shanks

The team at KickoffLabs gave us some great advice and we made some fundamental changes which instantly saw results.

waitlist, support

Amin G.

Over 5 years, we slowly built our e-mail list to have about 25,000 leads. In a matter of one week, we doubled it through the assistance of KickoffLabs. It changed the game for our business.

milestone rewards, reward-levels, sweepstakes

Yegor Nadvornyy

Our campaign was very easy to set up, very easy to do it. And I believe we even had a call with you guys.

sweepstakes, giveaway, leaderboard, leaderboard-giveaways, simple

Jake Elliot Hook

We wanted to use KickoffLabs, because we don't want to launch to crickets because this was kind of our brand relaunch.

milestone rewards, reward-levels, waitlist

Conor Lewis

This is actually where KickoffLabs comes in is I built my landing page, and I had some simple photos based off of my first sample.

giveaway, waitlist

Dana Holliday

With our newly acquired list, we were able to launch our Kickstarter on time and reach our funding goal. The list since has been really helpful and have built a really strong community thanks to this campaign.

milestone rewards, reward-levels, launch, kickstarter

Kelleigh Stewart

What was the best part about using KickoffLabs? The engagement.


Brandon Stokes

What all of the campaigns have in common is using the KickoffLabs page. We use this platform to test the market...see what people feel about our product.

waitlist, milestone rewards, reward-levels

Aref Shehadeh

Even with how little we promoted the campaign, somehow it spread like wildfire. KickoffLabs social sharing feature made it easy for lots of other people to do the promotion for us, with 94% of new leads coming in through referrals.

milestone rewards, reward-levels, launch, flexible

Rossa Shanks

I think we drove 30,000 signups just in one week alone! KickoffLabs lets us capitalize on virality, social behavior, and how you make something contagious.

waitlist, anyform

Jessica Principe

But what was really appealing to me about KickoffLabs is that built in social share feature. None of the other ones at the time had that available.

giveaway, waitlist, milestone rewards, reward-levels

Matt Haugen

I liked your guys'(KickoffLabs) the UI and then also the testimonials you had and then the features as well.


Luke Rafla-Yuan

Another thing, cool thing about KickoffLabs is it sort of lets you test out your marketing before actually driving a lot more marketing dollars to your campaign.

milestone rewards, reward-levels

Rossa Shanks

The best way to get your business off to a great start is to build up an engaged audience that are raving about your product. We used KickoffLabs to grow that audience.

waitlist, anyform, support

Aref Shehadeh

We came across the Tim Ferriss article on Harry’s Razors Launch and started building something similar using a developer. We ended up wasting time... and that’s when we found KickoffLabs. KickoffLabs provides a super useful way to incentivize people to share with friends so they can earn prizes.

milestone rewards, reward-levels, launch

Luke Rafla-Yuan

KickoffLabs just makes it so easy and seamless and it's such a nice product to use that I think the biggest compliment to KickoffLabs is seeing somebody who's a software engineer at use it.

milestone rewards, reward-levels

Sharon Winter

KickoffLabs did a design review with us and they found two things that made a ton of sense and actually improved our conversion even more. So that handholding support was really helpful!

waitlist, leaderboard, leaderboards

Melissa Moran

I just came across KickoffLabs and fell in love, especially with the UX. It made it very easy for people to share my project, get other folks excited about it... Now we're up to almost 3,000 subscribers on our email list.


Kelleigh Stewart

We only stopped because things were getting so busy for us that we couldn't manage it all.


Jared Flamm

So you could probably have a pretty good looking giveaway landing page with incentive mechanisms done in, I don't know, half an hour with KickoffLabs. To me, that's kind of a no brainer.

sweepstakes, giveaway, leaderboard, leaderboard-giveaways, nft, simple

Derek Videll

And with KickoffLabs, I had a student recently get over 90% of people that came from an Instagram ad that then entered the contest. And that is humongous for your ad results.

giveaway, leaderboard, leaderboards

David Gobaud

The great thing with KickoffLabs is that it let us set up the referral program before the app was ready.


Mila Banerjee

I just started searching for ways to implement a wait list in a very quick way. And I was looking for a software that can really help me manage that and that's where KickoffLabs came in.

waitlist, milestone rewards, reward-levels, kickstarter

Bailey Nelson

We were pleased to find such a powerful viral tool for non-technical people like me. During our 8-week campaign, we captured more than 10,000 leads! There was an incredible response and sales went faster than we expected.

milestone rewards, reward-levels, powerful

Valentina Lin

What all of the campaigns have in common is using the KickoffLabs page. We use this platform to test the market...see what people feel about our product.

waitlist, milestone rewards, reward-levels, kickstarter

Yegor Nadvornyy

When you build that initial group of people that are super excited about your (KickoffLabs) campaign, they spread it, and then it becomes viral.

sweepstakes, giveaway, leaderboard, leaderboard-giveaways, simple

Luke Rafla-Yuan

We got thousands of leads with the first part of the campaign on KickoffLabs.

milestone rewards, reward-levels

Jared Flamm

The cost of driving ads was better because our target audience was improved because of this (KickoffLabs) campaign.

sweepstakes, giveaway, leaderboard, leaderboard-giveaways, nft

Aref Shehadeh

It has the core social sharing functionality we were looking for. And with their flexible landing page designer, building our own custom template design was easy… you can edit pretty much everything on there.

milestone rewards, reward-levels, launch, flexible

Jared Flamm

Hey, I want to make a landing page for my contest and I don't want to go through the process of developing it all on my own, which may take a lot of bandwidth, KickoffLabs makes it really easy to set it up.

sweepstakes, giveaway, leaderboard, leaderboard-giveaways, nft, simple

Amin G.

I love KickoffLabs. I freaking love it, so much so that I've created reviews on YouTube about it!

milestone rewards, reward-levels, sweepstakes

Daniel Paul

And I got to tell you, it was a great move. It just was so simple and easy to work with KickoffLabs, even in a highly regulated industry like ours is, to do what we needed to do.

giveaway, enter to win

Dana Holliday

Once I logged in to KickoffLabs, the tools were simple but I was also able to easily do custom design. Along with implementing & managing the social referral program for us, it was a no-brainer!

milestone rewards, reward-levels, launch, simple

Dana Holliday

We exceeded our subscriber goal, converting 30,487 new leads… while getting a ton of brand exposure in the process! 98% of people were referred by somebody else via the Viral Boost.

milestone rewards, reward-levels, launch

Aref Shehadeh

We’ve had a very positive experience using KickoffLabs and will be running more campaigns with the platform. But first we’re literally waiting for more product so we can support the next 20,000 subscribers!

milestone rewards, reward-levels

Daniel Paul

Working with KickoffLabs was phenomenal. It was so simple that it makes me want to do more contests and you don't always get that with a SaaS product, but it really was simple to do it with KickoffLabs.

giveaway, enter to win

Elias Felchlin & Stan van Eyk

Why we decided to use KickoffLabs is because it has a lot of integrations

giveaway, waitlist

Daniel Paul

In fact, because of what KickoffLabs offers with the identity and the fraud support, we were able to really weed out a lot of people who loaded up on email addresses trying to win, and that was really one of the things that we wanted to do.

giveaway, enter to win