
The KickoffLabs Blog

Insights for smarter contest marketing

Optimizing Waitlist Success Through Reporting + Analytics

Optimizing Waitlist Success Through Reporting + Analytics

Leveraging reporting and analytics is key to a successful prelaunch campaign. By understanding and applying the data from the campaign,...

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Boost Your Design Skills With These Additional Resources

Boost Your Design Skills With These Additional Resources

Discover additional essential tools and resources to design landing pages that convert! This guide includes bonus materials to help elevate...

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What is a Product Launch Waitlist?

What is a Product Launch Waitlist?

A product launch waitlist is a list of people who are interested in purchasing a product that is not currently...

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Setting up a Waitlist Like Robinhood - Complete Guide

Setting up a Waitlist Like Robinhood - Complete Guide

You’ve read about viral launches and have wondered what it would take to replicate that success for your business. We’ve...

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The ultimate guide to finding perfect images for your landing page

The ultimate guide to finding perfect images for your landing page

You have decided that a jaw-dropping background image for your web landing page is the right idea. Great! But how...

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12 Landing Page Design Requirements You Need to Know

12 Landing Page Design Requirements You Need to Know

In this article, I’m going to walk you through some principles to keep in mind when you’re creating landing pages...

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Moving from Startup Validation to Launch

Moving from Startup Validation to Launch

The zenith of startup validation arrives at the concept of a launch campaign. Many startups assume these processes are identical...

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Startup Validation: Getting to Pre-Launch Sales With Engagement and Conversions

Startup Validation: Getting to Pre-Launch Sales With Engagement and Conversions

By now I hope this guide on startup validation has started generating results. You’ve refined your pitch, narrowed your audience,...

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Landing Page Design: Optimizing Fonts and Colors for Conversions

Landing Page Design: Optimizing Fonts and Colors for Conversions

Fonts and colors on a landing page, a fancy way to say “how to dress your webpage to impress.” These...

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The Power of Mock-ups and MVPs in Startup Validation

The Power of Mock-ups and MVPs in Startup Validation

It’s time to delve into the role of Mock-ups and Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) on the validation process. We’ll demystify...

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How to Validate Startup Ideas With Online Communities?

How to Validate Startup Ideas With Online Communities?

Ok - so maybe you don’t have a fortune to spend on Facebook or Google Ads. Don’t worry. You can...

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Using Google Ads to Validate Your Startup

Using Google Ads to Validate Your Startup

Google Ads have proven time and time again to be a valuable tool in the startup validation toolkit. Google Ads...

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