“if you build it they will come”
Thats a lie. I wish I could say that customers will be lining up outside your farm after you set up your KickoffLabs site. But I can’t. No one can. Our first goal is to save you a ton of time by getting your coming soon page up in 60 seconds. But then you’ve got to put that time saved to good use.
You have to start pounding the pavement by talking to people about your idea, sending them to your site, and convincing them to give you their attention. If you can’t earn that, then maybe you have to refine your idea, pitch, or the messaging on site. Or maybe you need a new idea.
I recommend a healthy mix of online and offline promotion when you’re testing your idea out. The online promotion will mostly help you refine your own thoughts, while the offline discussions with real potential customers will yield the best feedback. Don’t expect a bunch of feedback online unless your already popular. Most of us aren’t.
Even though your on the Internet there is no reason you can’t focus first on winning customers in your local market by going to events and spreading word of mouth from there. How important is that? I can trace nearly 50% of our early signup returns for KickoffLabs to conversations we’ve had with people in person.