A few years ago I was approached by a wealthy man. We would often see each in the park around noon, but never actually talked to each other. I would eat my sandwich at the square-shaped, stone table, and he would sit on the wooden benches feeding the birds. That particular day he walked up and handed me a big bag of money with these words: “Young man, here’s $86,400. It’s yours to use, but any amount that you don’t use by this time tomorrow will disappear”.
So what did I do? I spent every single penny!
Well let me be honest with you. He never actually gave me $86,400. In fact, I just made the story up.
However, we do have a bank account that works like that. It’s time. We have 86,400 seconds each day, and every second that we waste is forever lost. So if you feel like you don’t have enough time, you need to focus and improve your time management skills.
Let’s say you have $100 to invest between 2 projects. Both projects cost $100, and everything is the same except Project 1 expects to return 5% and Project 2 expects to return 8%. You would pick Project 2 – so would I. But when it comes to time management, people often pick the wrong one.
Don’t focus on menial tasks that don’t have a lasting impact on revenue. Focus on those that do. Instead of building a landing page from the ground up, outsource it and use beautiful templates that are proven to work. KickoffLabs provides over two dozen themes that will get your landing page up and running so you can focus on your business. For example, with just $49 you can access every theme we have and create multiple customized landing pages. You’ll receive built in email marketing to nurture your leads and get more referrals. We even threw in free phone and email support. Now that’s effective time management.
By the way, a part of this was stolen from a guest post we did on how landing pages can help entrepreneurs focus on their business…check out the full article here.
So again, if you want to save time and create a landing page in less than 5 minutes, click here.
Josh Ledgard
Co-Founder – KickoffLabs