
KickoffLabs Blog:

How to Hack Your Way into Improving Your Current Landing Page

By Josh Ledgard

Nov 3rd, 2015


Do you wish that you had an epic landing page that converted customers while you slept? The kind of page that instantly engages your audience and makes them buy, download, sign up, and subscribe immediately without waffling?

In the meantime, are you settling for a landing page that isn’t epic at all? The kind that  sometimes converts leads, but allows the majority of your visitors to just bounce without completing your call to action?

Don’t settle. You deserve better than that.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a newbie with just $10 in sales or an experienced pro with ten million subscribers: you can always improve your landing page. It’s possible to elevate a lackluster landing page into  a killer one that grows your business exponentially. I believe in you. And I’m going to show you the ten hacks you can implement today that will improve your landing page guaranteed. Let’s jump right in.

If you need help improving your landing page, download this helpful checklist. Subscribe to receive this extra resource.

1. Attack Your Headline

Statistics tell us that 80% of site visitors will read only the headline of your landing page and then bounce. We’re not going to cry about that, though. Here’s why: You still have 20% of people who’ll read even further if you create a headline that engages them. You may even increase that percentage with the right headline.

Of all of the content on your landing page (including your call-to-action), your headline is the most important. It’s a promise that will grab the reader and hold them tight.

There is no room for a monotone, stoic copy on your headline. It needs to intrigue your audience and leave them wanting more. Here’s a few of our favorites:

  • Make content that matters (Contently)
  • Start selling today (Square)
  • Remember everything (Evernote)
  • You can check out the other seven favorite examples of remarkable headline copy here.

    Here’s what each of these headlines do right: they’re motivational. They inspire the reader to envision themselves doing something valuable (making, selling, remembering).

    If your headline is passive, turn that sucker aggressive. Start with the invisible you and fill in the blanks, i.e. you start selling today.

    2. Strike Out Horrible Copy

    Since we’re already talking about content, let’s get into the meat of your landing page. Beyond your headline copy, you must also focus on all of the language that you use to sell your product,  service, or event. It’s not okay to have a well-formed headline and a flabby body.

    muscle gut

    Go through your current landing page and take away all of the language that isn’t actionable, or command-driven. Now, fill it in with supporting content that pushes your reader towards your ultimate call-to-action.

    Start off sentences with action verbs such as: think, watch, read, subscribe, buy, create. Beginning each sentence with a verb is an easy way to liven up your copy.

    Also, avoid introducing negativity into your copy. For example, don’t say, “100% spam free” because that gets people thinking about spam and you put it in their minds. Frame everything positively, such as “1431 folks trust us with their email addresses.”

    Here’s an exception, though. You may describe your audience’s problem or pain point in  negative language. This allows you to set up your solution as the hero.

    3. Knock out a Video

    When given the choice, 60% of people will choose video. Every landing page can improve by simply adding a short video of two minutes or less. The video can be a short tutorial on how to use your product, an introduction to your brand, an endorsement of your product, or a fun, viral-ready spoof on your industry.

    Nowadays, everyone has access to a high quality video camera in their back pockets (hello smartphones). With very little production, you can create a professional looking video that makes a personal connection with your landing page audience.

    Adding a video on your landing page can boost retention, showcase your brand personality, and get people excited about your product.  

    4. Crush Your Call to Action

    Your call-to-action is the word or phrase that you use to finally convert your audience into customers, contestants, subscribers, etc. You need something that grabs them (just like your headline). If your CTA is going to be placed on a button, definitely avoid the word “submit” like the plague. It’s boring and unimaginative.

    For example, which one catches your eye:

  • Submit
  • Subscribe for a free email course
  • No contest, right? That’s because no one likes to submit their information into the ether. They like to know exactly what they’re getting by clicking.

    Choose a phrase that describes what the audience is activating by clicking on your call to action. It’ll motivate them to click through.

    Need help coming up with a new and improved call to action? Check out the most successful calls to action of all time for some suggestions.

    5. Ambush with Social Proof

    You’ve heard there’s safety in numbers. That’s also true in the world of content marketing. When you’re marketing to your audience via a landing page, you must fill the void of trust. Some misguided souls do that with lots of copy, but you’ll do that with social proof. (By the way, I’ve yet to meet anyone who’s read a long-form landing page in its entirety.)

    You can go about adding social proof in a couple of powerful ways. One strategy is to use endorsements to champion your brand. Using testimonials accompanied by real photos adds weight and authority to your landing page.

    Another strategy that can be used in conjunction with the above is to get specific with your numbers. Extremely. Woo new subscribers by revealing how many subscribers you have already. People respond positively to being a part of a community.

    6. Wallop Long Forms in Half

    Do you have more than two entry fields on your opt-in form? Yeah, here’s the thing: No one wants to “submit” all of their information to you without at least dinner and a movie first. The more that you ask from people, the less enticing your call to action becomes.

    If your landing page is asking for more than an email address and possibly a first name, it’s too needy and you’re scaring away would-be leads.

    Final Thoughts

    Your landing page is never finished. It can stand a little nip and tuck periodically. That’s why we highly recommend Smart A/B Testing for Landing Pages. It’ll help you understand what your audience responds better to, and which areas you should focus on improving. Use these seven hacks to improve your landing page now and in the future.

    If you need help improving your landing page, download this helpful checklist. Subscribe to receive this extra resource.

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