Yesterday the United States celebrated it’s independence. But did you celebrate your own independence? We did and you can to. We know you want to declare independence from your job, but it’s difficult to know how you would get started. We understand this feeling because we’ve both been there.
We had 10 cool startup ideas but no way to know which idea was the best. What we needed was a way to easily publish 10 landing pages in order to see which one would get more customer interest over the span of a couple of months. There is a lot involved when you start trying to publish one of these pages. And the idea for KickoffLabs was born.
We wanted to reduce all that fuss into a single step. We started with the focus on being able to build simple “coming soon” pages for startups who wanted to test their product/market fit by seeing how many signups they could get. Our goal is really to help you take that first step towards declaring your own independence.