

Earn 30% recurring revenue for every referral!

Earn 30% recurring revenue for every referral!

Get extra income every month by earning 30% of the recurring revenue for every new customer you refer to KickoffLabs!

It's easy to get paid!

Hands shaking


Fill out the form so we know who to pay.


Promote Links

Share your unique KickoffLabs links with your audience.

cash in hand!

Earn Real Cash

Earn money for each recurring customer you refer.

We're tired of giving money to Facebook and Google. We want to give it to you!

Here's how much you could be earning each month

$100,000 to you instead of Facebook & Google

First a story: In 2021 we spent over 100,000 in Facebook and Google ads. It works, but we personally feel icky leveraging all that private data and enriching the leadership at those companies.

So we want to reward you for every customer you refer to us instead. Besides... KickoffLabs is a referral engine we couldn't pass up using.

5 referrals: $223/month

Amazing passive income that wouldn't require much work.

20 referrals: $894/month

Imagine this cash rolling into your bank account each month!

50 referrals: $2,235/month

Make it big with a revenue stream that could help expand your own business.

*All numbers based on the KickoffLabs Business plan.

a preview of our default affiliate program share page!

Who's KickoffLabs good for?

KickoffLabs allows customers to quickly setup lead capture, viral giveaways, and product launches where fans become influencers! These are just some of the customer types we've had success stories with.

Join to start sharing

Product Launches

Create a pre-launch campaign that captures email addresses and generates buzz.

Viral Contests

Run contests with prizes and rewards to engage your list and grow business.

Waitlist Management

Prioritize limited product access from a waitlist where people compete to move up in line.

Newsletter Growth

Engage your newsletter with referral based promotions.

Event Promoters

Setup a viral campaigns for pre-sales and early access to tickets.

Crowdfunding Pre-Launch

Kickstarter and indigogo campaigns earn millions after a viral KickoffLabs promotion.

You won't be alone...

We support you every step of the way

Simple links with a 90 day cookie

Link to our home page, blog post, podcast page, or a marketing resource. They'll all work and we'll track someone that lands on the page for 90 days.

An image of easy link sharing.

We give referral nudges

Those links... will activate our nudge bar to remind people who sent them there and increase the chances of them signing up.

A bar at the top of a website that shows who referred you.

Resources & Team Access

We'll send brand kits and tips on the best posts and resources to promote. You'll also be able to access our product team to help you with any questions or product feedback.

A leaderboard inside a contest box.

Simple progress tracking

Watch your progress in real time and see how many people have signed up from your links.

A personal greeting for contests on top of your contest box.

Join our affiliate program today!

Get extra income every month by earning 30% of the recurring revenue for every new customer you refer to KickoffLabs!